Frequently Asked Questions
How do I login ?
How do I cancel my town ?
How do I cancel my town ?
After you have logged in there link on the side called My Towns & Renewals click that
If you wish to cancel the town immediately and recieve no more leads click the Cancel button.
If you wish to keep the town until the end of the subscription toggle the renewal option.

What else can I do to get more leads ?
What else can I do to get more leads ?
There is 2 easy ways to get more leadsOption 1) Purchase multiple towns on a yearly subscription. This allows us to bundle all your subscriptions into 1 ad campaign that lasts the year but at an increased rate multiplied by the number of towns you own.
Option 2) Purchase a bolt-on. We offer targetted bolt-on packs. You set the spend and the system does an intensive ad campaign over the course of 1 month rather then the entire year.
How did you verify the lead ?
How did you verify the lead ?
Before any leads are assigned. To filter out invalid leads we have a number of processes1) The first step we take is we verify that the phone number is the person who requested the apprasial. We do this by sending them a 4 digit code via SMS which they then enter into the website.

2) We then confirm that the person isnt a real estate agent testing the system by comparing the details to our database.
3) We check that the property is not listed on or (You may recieve listed leads if you own the town already)
4) We visually check that the property is a residential property via google.
Real Office
What size images should I upload ?
What portals do you upload to ?
Get started.
Call us for a free demonstration Monday - Friday 9am-5pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time .